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Giovanni Battista Bassani
c.1657 - 1716
G.B. Bassani
Giovanni Battista Bassani (c.1657 - 01/10/1716), an Italian violist, organist and composer (from Padua). He was a pupil of Castrovillari and became maestro di cappella of several places.
Source: Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Officium defunctorum and Requiem
Musical form:Office and mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
In memory of:/ dedicated to Colegio de Sn Miguel de Bhelem
Missa de Requiem for TT voices and viola.
Bassani: "I dedicate it to the Colegio de S.n Miguel de Bhelem, el S.r D.r D.n Manuel Barrientos siendo Chantre, Dignidad, desta S.ta Yglesia | Delaes Coleta de Belen."
Messa per li defonti concertata
Composed in:1698
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
The Messa per li defonti concertata (opus 20) is for four solo voices, a chorus of four voices, two violins, theorbo and organ.
Source:Riemann Musik Lexikon
Contributor:Tassos Dimitriadis
Later in the 17th century numerous requiem settings, many in concertato style, were produced by composers including G.B. Bassani, G.A. Bernabei, Antonio Bertali (eight settings), Biber, Giovanni Cavaccio, Cavalli, Cazzati, Joan Cererols, G.P. Colonna, P.A. Fiocco (three settings), Santino Girelli, J.K. Heller, J.C. Kerll (two settings), A.V. Michna, Marcin Mielczewski, Alessandro Scarlatti, Johann Stadlmayer, Christoph Straus (two settings) and Viadana.
Author:Steven Chang-Lin Yu