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Ludwig Rotter
1810 - 1895
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L. Rotter
Ludwig [Louis, Luis] Rotter (06/09/1810 - 05/04/1895), an Austrian Choir conductor, composer, teacher and organist, instructed at an early age on the violin, pianoforte, and organ, afterwards studied harmony and counterpoint, and began his musical career by teaching. Almni 1832 he became organist of the parish church Am Hof, then also at the university church, and in 1841 professor of harmony, thorough-bass, and organ at the Vienna Kirchenmusik-Verein. Two years later lie was made choir director in the two aforementioned churches, in 1858 member of the court chapel, in 1862 second, and in 1867 first court organist, finally in 1870 Hofkapellmeister. Works: 1-4 masses; 2 Requiems ; about 30 graduate ; 20 offertories ; Te Deum ; Veni sancte ; Regina coeli ; Adorna thalamum ; Fugues, sonatas, etc., for pianoforte.
Source:Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815 – 1950
Requiem in A minor
Composed in:1868
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Requiem in A minor (Nr. II) written in 1868.
Requiem in G minor
Composed in:1895c
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Requiem in G minor („am 23. April 1895 wurde dieses Requiem als Todtenfeier für den am 5. April gestorbenen Componisten am Hof aufgeführt“).