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Res Wepfer
1966 -
R. Wepfer
Res Wepfer (18/10/1966), a Swiss singer, songwriter and composer, born in Zürich. He is one of the three musicians of Pfannestil Chammer Sexdeet, as singer, guitarist and songwriter.
Period:21st century
Composed in:2003
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
This requiem is for soli, SATB mixed choir, organ and orchestra. It contains:
01. Introitus
02. Kyrie eleison
03. Sequentia
- Dies irae
- Tuba mirum
- Rex tremandae
- Recordare
- Confutatis
- Lacrimosa
04. Offertorium
05. Sanctus
06. Libera me
"A requiem is a mass for the dead. Usually, it is used to pray for the souls of the deceased. I have written this requiem in the spirit of the thougt that every now and then all souls are in need of mercy: the souls of the dead, the living – and the unborn."