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Ivan Zajc
1832 - 1914
I. Zajc
Ivan Zajc [also: Ivan Zaytz, Giovanni (de/von) Zaytz] (03/08/1832 - 16/12/1914), an Croatian composer; born in Rijeka, Croatia, died in Zagreb, Croatia.
Contributor:Tassos Dimitriadis (picture)
Requiem (2x)
Musical form:unfinished
Two unfinished Requiems.
Source:Robert Chase, Dies Irae: A Guide to Requiem Music, Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2003
Jelacic Requiem in B flat major
Composed in:1870
Jelacic Requiem in B flat major, Op.244 (1870), for tenor and bass soli, male choir, strings and organ.
Source:Robert Chase, Dies Irae: A Guide to Requiem Music, Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2003
Preradovic Requiem in A flat major
Composed in:1872
Preradovic Requiem in A flat major, Op.471 (1872) for mixed choir and orchestra. Op. 471a is the samen work, arranged for SSAATTBB, mixed choir and organ.
Source:Robert Chase, Dies Irae: A Guide to Requiem Music, Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2003
Novi Requiem
Composed in:1901
Novi Requiem, Op.947 (1901), for TTBB, male choir and string orchestra.
Source:Robert Chase, Dies Irae: A Guide to Requiem Music, Scarecrow Press, Inc. 2003