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Dieudonne Duguet
1794 - 1849
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D. Duguet
Dieudonne Duguet (22/09/1794 - 18/04/1849), a Belgian composer, born and died at Liege. He founded with Henrard and Jaspar, in 1821, a school of music which did much good work until absorbed in the Conservatoire, established at Liege bj' the government in 1827, in which he was then made professor of solfege. In 1828 he became organist of the Church of Saint-Denis, in 1835 maitre de chapelle, and in 1837 organist of the cathedral. He was stricken with blindness in 1835, and had to resign his class at the Conservatoire. He did much to cultivate the study of religious music in Liege. His greatest work is a motet, Sanctum et terribile, preserved in MS. in the cathedral. Published works : A Te Deum, a Salve regina and a Homo quidam, with full orchestra ; 2 Ecce panis ; G Tautum ergo, two Genitori aud three cantatas for solos, chorus, and orchestra ; 3 Requiems with organ accompaniment, violoncello, and doublebass, etc. ; Solfeges en canons, with Jaspar and Heurard (1823) ; Livre d'orgue pour raccompagnenient du plain-chant (1842, 2d ed., 1851) ; Ilecueil de preludes et versets pour I'orgue (1851) ; Livre de motets et psaumespour les processions ; Recueil de 34 morceaux de musique sacree a 1, 2, 8 et 4 vols, etc. (1853-1855) ; Recueil de 32 morceaux (Qiuvres posthumes, 1859) ; Recueil de litanies ii 1, 2 et 3 voix, 2 vols.; aud pieces for pianoforte, duos, romances, melodies, scenes.
Requiem (3x)
Period:Early Romanticism
Musical form:masses
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Duguet wrote 3 Requiems with organ accompaniment.