Hilda Dianda
1925 -
Hilda Fanny [Hilda] Dianda (13/04/1925) is a female Argentine composer, musicologist, music educator, conductor and music writer. Hilda Dianda was born in Cordoba in 1925. She studied in Buenos Aires and Venice; she also worked with the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris (1958-62) and attended the Darmstadt courses. Her works are mostly for orchestra or ensemble and incorporate electronic music.
This Requiem (1983/1984) contains:
01. Requiem 02. Tuba mirum 03. Rex tremendĉ maiestatis 04. Recordare 05. Quĉrens me 06. Ingemisco 07. Lacrymosa 08. Amén Hilda Dianda premiered her Requiem at the Teatro Colón under the direction of Simón Blech, with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra and the Choir of the theater's Higher Institute of Art. It was written between the end of 1983 and the beginning of 1984, it is surely the least harsh of the most notable works by an avant-garde composer. Her music has authenticity, strength, originality, play of contrasts, creative will but, generally, very few contacts or references with the universal language of beauty, if it exists. However, in her Requiem; For example, in the Lacrymosa (seventh number), there are very beautiful passages, attractive sounds from the female section of the choir and the instruments that intervene at that moment. This mass has the following parts: Requiem, Tuba mirum, Rex tremendĉ maestatis, Recordare, Quĉrens me, Ingemisco, Lacrymosa and Amen, but it does not have the Dies irĉ.