Dr. Anton E. Faist (26/01/1864 - 12/08/1933), an Austrian composer; born in Stang, Riegensburg, Steiermark, Austria, died in Hall, Tyrol, Austria. He was mainly active in Graz and the Steiermark. He wrote church music in the Romantic style. He was also a writer (including "Versuche über Tonverschmelzung" published in the Zeitschrift für Psychologie, vol. 15, 1897). As a member of the "Graz School" of the Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong (a student of Brentano) he brought the musical element and respective entries to the so-called Gegenstandstheorie. Among his works exist 11 Latin Masses for mixed choir with organ or orchestral accompaniment (including the first mass in C Major, "Missa in honorem B.M.V.") still occasionally performed today), the third mass in Eb Major, the fourth mass, the fifth mass in F Major, the "Missa Septima" and the eleventh mass), three German masses for mixed choir or male choir a cappella.
Requiem in C minor
This Requiem in C minor (Op.12) for four voices SATB, organ and instruments.
Requiem in D minor (Op.33) for SATB, Orgel, 2 Violins, Viola, Cello and Kontrabass.
Source: | https://www.pfarre-wildon.at/seiten/archiv/01%20Noten%2019_Jhdt.pdf |