Henri Hardouin
1727 - 1808
H. Hardouin
Abbé Henri Hardouin (07/04/1727 - 13/08/1808), a French composer, from Grandpré, France. Church composer, educated at the maitrise of the Cathedral of Kheims, became a priest and canon, and was maitre de chapelle until the Revolution ; on Robespierre's death several priests who had remained in hiding, restored the cathedral services and reinstated him. He was entrusted with the revision of the breviary of the diocese of Rheims, and set its hymns and proses to new music. Works : Solemn mass, for the coronation of Louis XVI. ; 12 masses for 4 voices a cappella (1764) ; over 40 masses for 4-5 voices, with orchestra ; about 80 motets ; several Requiems ; 4 Te Deum ; De profundis ; etc. He published also Methode nouvelle de Plain-chaunt (1762).
Requiem (5x)
Musical form:masses
Text/libretto:Latin mass
No details available.
Source:Dagny Wegner, Requiemvertonungen in Frankreich zwischen 1670 und 1850, Hamburg, 2005