Richard Wetz
1875 - 1935
R. Wetz
Richard Wetz (26/02/1875 - 16/01/1935), a German conductor, composer and teacher (e.g. of Werner Trenkner). He was born in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia and briefly attended the Leipzig Conservatory. After studying with Richard Hofmann and, in Munich, with Ludwig Thuille, he was recommended for a theatre conductor's post in Stralsund by Felix Weingartner. Shortly thereafter, Wetz returned to Leipzig where he was introduced to the music of Anton Bruckner. In 1906, Wetz was named Director of the Erfurt Music Society. Erfurt is a small city located about thirty miles to the west of Weimar and it became Wetz's base for the rest of his life. Here he could compose without being influenced by the trends of the day. He wrote at least two symphonies and a requiem.
Source:Hugo Riemanns Musik-Lexikon and
Requiem in B minor
Composed in:1920c
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
Label(s):CPO 777 152-2
This Requiem in B minor (Op.50), is scored for soprano- and bariton-solo, mixed choir and orchestra, contains:
01. Requiem und Kyrie (12'04)
02. Dies irae (13'31)
03. Domine Jesu (8'15)
04. Sanctus und Benedictus (13'14)
05. Agnus Dei (13'02)
Source:booklet of cd CPO 777 152-2
Contributor:Arye Kendi

♫ 01. Requiem und Kyrie
© CPO 777 152-2

♫ 02. Dies irae
© CPO 777 152-2

♫ 03. Domine Jesu
© CPO 777 152-2

♫ 04. Sanctus und Benedictus
© CPO 777 152-2

♫ 05. Agnus Dei
© CPO 777 152-2