Jozef Stefani
1800 - 1876
Jozef Stefani (16/04/1800 - 19/03/1876), a Polish composer and conductor, born in Warsaw. Stefani was a dramatic and
church composer, son of the preceding, pupil of Eisner at the Conservatorium in Warsaw ; as a boy he sang in the chorus of
the opera, then played the viola in the orchestra, and later on conducted the ballet music. Works : Lekcye botaniczne (Botany
lesson), comic opera ; Pioran, operetta ; ballets : Apollo and Midas ; Dyabel rozkochany ; Okrezue ; Wesele w Ojcowie ; Music to melodramas ; Cantata ; 13 masses ; Requiem for male voices ; Te Deum, Benedictus, etc. ; Polonaises for orchestra, and Polish songs.
This requiem mass is for three male voices and brass band (or organ).