H (231)
| Name | Born - Died | Place of birth | Requiems |
| Jan Haagh | 1857 - 1919 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Georg Haas | 1953 - | Austria | 1 |
| Joseph Haas | 1879 - 1960 | Germany | 1 |
| Kyösti Haatanen | 1947 - | Finland | 1 |
| Johann Habegger | ? - 1795 | ? | 1 |
| Maurus Haberhauer | 1746 - 1799 | Czech Republic | 2 |
| Franz Xaver Haberl | 1840 - 1910 | Germany | 1 |
| Johannes Habert | 1833 - 1896 | Czech Republic | Austria | 1 |
| Benedikt Hacker | 1769 - 1829 | Austria | 1 |
| Georges Haenni | 1896 - 1980 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Richard Hageman | 1881 - 1966 | The Netherlands | United States of America | 1 |
| Daron Hagen | 1961 - | United States of America, WI | 1 |
| Toon Hagen | 1959 - | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Georg Hahn | 1712 - 1772 | Germany | 2 |
| Knut Hakanson | 1887 - 1929 | Sweden | 1 |
| Cristóbal Halffter y Jiménez-Encina | 1930 - 2021 | Spain | 1 |
| Petr Halík | 1854 - 1913 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Björn Hallberg | 1938 - 2009 | Norway, Sweden | 1 |
| Andreas Hallén | 1846 - 1925 | Sweden | 1 |
| Hans Peter Haller | 1929 - 2006 | Germany | 1 |
| Michael Haller | 1840 - 1915 | Germany | 5 |
| Michael Haller | fl. 1942 - | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Gary Hallquist | 1954 - | United States of America, LA | 1 |
| David Halls | 1963 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Karl Hallwachs | 1870 - 1959 | Germany | 1 |
| László Halmos | 1909 - 1997 | Hungary | 1 |
| Johann Nikolaus Haltenberger | 1748 - 1780 | Germany | 2 |
| Henri Hamal | 1744 - 1820 | Belgium | 3 |
| Henri-Guillaume Hamal | 1685 - 1752 | Belgium | 1 |
| Jean-Noël Hamal | 1709 - 1778 | Belgium | 5 |
| Bengt Hambraeus | 1928 - 2000 | Sweden | 1 |
| Coelestin Hamel | 1662 - 1734 | Germany | 1 |
| Micha Hamel | 1970 - | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Peter Hamel | 1947 - | Germany | 1 |
| Asger Hamerik | 1843 - 1923 | Denmark | 1 |
| Iain Hamilton | 1922 - 2000 | Great Britain, Scotland | 1 |
| Timothy Hamilton | 1973 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Benedict Hamm | 18th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Karel Hamm | 1876 - 1937 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Benjamin Hamma | 1831 - 1911 | Germany | 1 |
| Karel Hampejs | 1864 - 1914 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Hans Hampel | 1822 - 1884 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Hubert Hanghofer | 1931 - | Autria | 1 |
| Joseph Hanisch | 1812 - 1892 | Germany | 3 |
| Roger Hannay | 1930 - 2006 | United States of America, NY | 1 |
| Friedhelm Hanss | 1951 - | Germany | 1 |
| Charles Hanssens (jr.) | 1802 - 1871 | Belgium | 2 |
| Charles Hanssens (sr) | 1777 - 1852 | Belgium | 1 |
| Moric Hantke | 1723 - 1804 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Jan Hanuš | 1915 - 2004 | Czech Republic | 2 |
| Andreas Haralambous | 20th - century | Greece | 1 |
| John Harbison | 1938 - | United States of America, NJ | 2 |
| Clif Hardin | 1955 - | United States of America | 1 |
| Henri Hardouin | 1727 - 1808 | France | 5 |
| André van Haren | 1963 - | The Netherlands | 2 |
| Henry Harington | 1727 - 1816 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Aharon Harlap | 1941 - | Canada | Israël | 1 |
| Nathaniel Harnack | 1981 - | United States of America, CA | 1 |
| Johannes Harneit | 1963 - | Germany | 1 |
| William Harper | 1949 - | United States of America, IL | 1 |
| Edith Harrhy | 1893 - 1969 | Great Britain, England | Australia | 1 |
| Edward C. Harris | 1899 - aft.1940 | United States of America | 1 |
| Ross Harris | 1945 - | New Zealand | 1 |
| Julius Harrison | 1885 - 1963 | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| Francis Hartl | 1862 - 1944 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Karl Hartmann | 1905 - 1963 | Germany | 1 |
| Pater Hartmann | 1863 - 1914 | Italy | 1 |
| Pietro Hasenmajer | 20th - century | Italy | 1 |
| August Ferdinand Haser | 1779 - 1844 | Germany | 3 |
| Johann Hasse | 1699 - 1783 | Germany | 4 |
| Hans Leo Hassler | 1564 - 1612 | Germany | 2 |
| Lucien Haudebert | 1877 - 1963 | France | 1 |
| Rudolf Hauptmann | 1864 - 1937 | Austria | 1 |
| Siegmund von Hausegger | 1872 - 1948 | Austria | 1 |
| Meinrad Hauser | c.1698 - 1759 | Germany | 1 |
| Vaclav Hausmann | 1850 - 1903 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| G.L. Haussens | 19th - century | Germany | 1 |
| Patrick Hawes | 1958 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| William Hawes | 1785 - 1846 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Frederick Charles Hay | 1888 - 1945 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Joseph Haydn | 1732 - 1809 | Austria | 4 |
| Michael Haydn | 1737 - 1806 | Austria | 3 |
| Mark Hayes | 1953 - | United States of America, WI | 1 |
| Gilles Hayne | 1590 - 1650 | Belgium | 1 |
| George Haynes | 1989 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Hazlitt | 20th - century | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Robert Head | 20th - century | United States of America, AL | 1 |
| Roger Heagney | 20th - century | Australia | 1 |
| Keith Hearne | 1942 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Dave Heath | 1956 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Heinz Heckmann | 1932 - 2012 | Germany | 1 |
| Kim Hedås | 1965 - | Sweden | 1 |
| Franz Xaver Heel | 1758 - 1831 | Germany | 1 |
| Karl Hegmann | 19th/20th - century | Germany | 1 |
| Joseph Heidenreich | 1743 - 1821 | Austria | 1 |
| Anton Heiller | 1923 - 1979 | Austria | 1 |
| Martin Andreas Heimerich | 1762 - 1813 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Johann David Heinichen | 1683 - 1729 | Germany | 2 |
| Mikko Heiniö | 1948 - | Finland | 1 |
| Hermann Heiss | 1897 - 1966 | Germany | 1 |
| Jan Held | 1770 - 1851 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Johann Anton Held | 1813 - 1888 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Charles d'Helfer | 1598 - 1661 | France | 1 |
| Johann Kilian Heller | 1633 - 1674 | Germany | 1 |
| Joachim Heller | c.1518 - c.1590 | Germany | 1 |
| Ludwig Hellwig | 1773 - 1838 | Germany | 3 |
| Adrien van Helmont | 1747 - 1830 | Belgium | 1 |
| Charles-Joseph van Helmont | 1715 - 1790 | Belgium | 1 |
| Kim Helweg | 1956 - | Denmark | 1 |
| Eskil Hemberg | 1938 - 2004 | Sweden | 3 |
| Andrew Henderson | 1984 - | Great Britain | 1 |
| Moya Henderson | 1941 - | Australia | 1 |
| Philip Henderson | 1948 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Christian Henking | 1961 - | Switzerland | 1 |
| George Henschel | 1850 - 1934 | Germany | Great Britain | 1 |
| Fanny Hensel - Mendelssohn | 1805 - 1847 | Germany | 1 |
| Robert Herberigs | 1886 - 1974 | Belgium | 1 |
| Pedro de Heredia | c.1575 - 1648 | Italy | 2 |
| Pál Hermann | 1902 - 1944 | Hungary | 1 |
| Paul Hermann | 1904 - 1979 | Germany | 1 |
| Michael Hermesdorff | 1833 - 1885 | Germany | 1 |
| José Herrera | 19th - century(?) | Spain (?) | 1 |
| Mariano Herrera Solís | 1902 - 1969 | Costa Rica | 2 |
| Juan de Herrera y Chumacero | c.1665 - 1738 | Colombia | 7 |
| Conrad Herzfeld | 1845 - 1914 | Germany | Argentina | 1 |
| Anton Herzog | c.1771 - 1850 | Austria | 1 |
| Heinrich von Herzogenberg | 1843 - 1900 | Austria | 1 |
| Frank Hessler | 20th - century | Germany | 1 |
| Thomas Hettwer | 1963 - | Germany | 1 |
| Henriëtte van Heukelom - van den Brandeler | 1884 - 1985 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Raimund Heuler | fl.1907 - 1928 | Germany | 2 |
| Joseph Heyda | 1740 - 1806 | Austria | 1 |
| C.W. Heydenreich | 19th - century | Germany | 1 |
| Heyschmieder | 18th/19th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Frigyes Hidas | 1928 - 2007 | Hungary | 2 |
| Vincent Higginson | 1896 - 1994 | United States of America, NJ | 1 |
| David Hill | 1957 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Johann Hiller | 1728 - 1804 | Germany | 1 |
| Quirinus Himmer | 1661 - 1723 | Austria | 1 |
| Paul Hindemith | 1895 - 1963 | Germany | 1 |
| Meinrad Hindermann | 1729 - 1757 | Germany | 1 |
| Charlie Hine | ? - 1868? | United States of America | 1 |
| Michael Hirblinger | 1876 - 1953 | Germany | 1 |
| Erhard Hirmer | 1954 - | Germany | 8 |
| Jacques Hiver | 1944 - | France | 1 |
| Ignaz Hladnik | 1865 - 1932 | Slovenia | 1 |
| Štěpán Hlína | 1880 - 1955 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Aloys Hnilicka | 1826 - 1909 | Czech Republic | 3 |
| Jack Ho | 1984 - | Taiwan | Australia | 1 |
| Ann Hoban | 1969 - | Ireland | 1 |
| Derek Hobbs | 1943 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Francesco Hoch | 1943 - | Switzerland | 1 |
| Hartwig Hochmair | 1973 - | Austria | 1 |
| Klaus Hochmann | 1932 - 1998 | Germany | 1 |
| Emil Hochreiter | 1872 - 1938 | Austria | 1 |
| Joseph Hochreither | 1669 - 1731 | Austria | 1 |
| Juliana Hodkinson | 1971 - | Great Britain, England | Denmark | 1 |
| Theo Hoek | 1952 - | The Netherlands | 2 |
| Jan-Anton van Hoek | 1936 - 2021 | The Netherlands | 1 |
| Ernst Hoffmann | 1776 - 1822 | Germany | 1 |
| Ferdinand Hoffmann | 18th/19th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Leopold Hofmann | 1738 - 1793 | Austria | 3 |
| Wolfgang Hofmann | 1922 - 2003 | Germany | 1 |
| Hendrik Hofmeyr | 1957 - | South Africa | 2 |
| Carl Hogg | c.1825 - ? | Germany | 3 |
| Max Hohnerlein | 1865 - aft.1908 | Germany | 1 |
| Bujor Hoinic | 1950 - | Romania | 1 |
| Vaclav Holan Rovensky | 1644 - 1718 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Guillermo Holguín | 1880 - 1971 | Colombia | 1 |
| Thomas Holland-Moritz | 1948 - | Germany | 1 |
| Charles-Felix de Hollandre | 16?? - 1750 | Belgium | 1 |
| Augustin Holler | 1744 - 1814 | Germany | 1 |
| Karl Holler | 1907 - 1987 | Germany | 1 |
| Johannes Hollwarth | fl.1887 - | Austra (?) | 1 |
| Derek Holman | 1931 - 2019 | Great Britain, England | Canada | 1 |
| Vagn Holmboe | 1909 - 1996 | Denmark | 2 |
| Brian Holmes | 1946 - | United States of America, Washington D.C. | 1 |
| Friedemann Holst-Solbach | 1954 - | Germany | 1 |
| Adriana Holszky | 1953 - | Romania | Germany | 1 |
| Ignaz Holzbauer | 1711 - 1783 | Austria | 2 |
| Franz Seraphin Holzl | 1808 - 1884 | Austria | Hungary | 6 |
| Peter Holzl | 1920 - 2010 | Italy | 1 |
| Joseph Alois Holzmann | 1762 - 1815 | Austria | 4 |
| Sidney Homer | 1864 - 1953 | United States of America, MA | 1 |
| Louis Homet | 1691 - 1777 | France | 2 |
| Michael Hoppé | 1944 - | Egypt | United States of America, CA | 1 |
| Wenzel Horák | 1800 - 1871 | Czech Republic | 3 |
| Robert Horne | 1865 - 1956 | Australia | 1 |
| Anton Horner | bef.1860 - aft.1891 | Germany | 2 |
| Horomona Horo | 1978 - | New Zealand | 0 |
| Rudolf Horský | 19th - century | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Michael Horsphol | 1951 - 2017 | Australia | 1 |
| Josef Horvath | 1931 - 2019 | Hungary | Austria | 1 |
| Toshio Hosokawa | 1955 - | Japan | 2 |
| Franz Hoss | 1897 - 1979 | Germany | 1 |
| Manfred Hossl | 1955 - | Germany | 2 |
| Georges Houdard | 1860 - 1913 | France | 1 |
| Alan Hovhaness | 1911 - 2000 | United States of America, MA | 1 |
| Herbert Howells | 1892 - 1983 | Great Britain, England | 2 |
| John Howley | 1949 - 2014 | United States of America, RI | CA | 1 |
| Vojtech Hrimaly | 1842 - 1908 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| Stevan Hristic | 1885 - 1958 | Serbia | 2 |
| Tyzen Hsiao | 1938 - 2015 | Taiwan | 1 |
| An-lun Huang | 1949 - | China | Canada | 1 |
| Georg Huber | ? - 1686 | Austria | 1 |
| Hans Huber | 1852 - 1921 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Heinrich Huber | 1879 - 1916 | Germany | 2 |
| Ignaz Huber | fl.1867 - 1880 | Germany | 1 |
| Klaus Huber | 1924 - 2017 | Switzerland | 2 |
| Paul Huber | 1918 - 2001 | Switzerland | 1 |
| Peter Hubner | 1940 - | Germany | 1 |
| Leonard Hueber | 18th - century | Germany (?) | 1 |
| Francis Hueffer | 1845 - 1889 | Germany | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| David Huff | 1954 - | United States of America, NC | 1 |
| Elaine Hugh-Jones | 1927 - 2021 | Great Britain, Wales | 1 |
| John Hughes | 1956 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Laurence Hughes | 1952 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Robert Hugill | 1955 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Thierry Huillet | 1965 - | France | 1 |
| Anders Hultqvist | 1955 - | Sweden | 1 |
| James Humberstone | 1974 - | Great Britain, England | Australia | 1 |
| Paul Humphreys | 1949 - | United States of America, CA | 1 |
| Josef Hunke | 1802 - 1883 | Czech Republic | 1 |
| John Eric Hunt | 1903 - 1958 | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Peregrinus Hupfauf | 1856 - 1889 | Austria | 1 |
| Roman Hurko | 1962 - | Canada | 1 |
| Warner Hutchison | 1930 - 2019 | United States of America, CO | 1 |
| Anselm Huttenbrenner | 1794 - 1868 | Austria | 4 |
| Lode Huybrechts | 1911 - 1973 | Belgium | 1 |
| David Hynds | 1984 - | Great Britain, England | 1 |
| Eduard Hysel | 1770 - 1841 | Austria | 1 |