Burkhardt Soll
1944 -
Germany / The Netherlands
Burkhardt Söll [Soell] (04/07/1944), a German composer and painter, born in Marienberg Westerwald, Germany; working and living in The Netherlands. He studied composition with Boris Blacher and Paul Dessau and studied conducting with Dean Dixon and Bruno Maderna. Besides his occupation with music, he also studied painting and educational aesthetics with Horst Antes and Gerhard Bergmann. After having worked as an assistant to Bruno Maderna and Ottomar Suitner at the Berlin National Opera (Unter den Linden), Söll spent five years of research on children's aesthetics at the Berlin University (1970-1975). Since 1977 he lives in Leiden (The Netherlands) and teaches at the Academy of Arts in Utrecht. As a painter he has enjoyed wide acclaim. Burkhardt Söll's compositions range from chamber music to opera to soundtrack and stage music to children's songs.
Little requiem
Little requiem or Kleines Requiem "Korczak und seine Kinder", or: Kinderdinge. A requiem for an old doctor and his orphans for soprano, bass-clarinet, alto-saxophone, percussion, clarinet, flute and double bass.
Janusz Korczak (1878 – 1942) was a well-known doctor and author who ran a Jewish orphanage in Warsaw from 1911 to 1942. Korczak and his staff stayed with their children even as German authorities deported them all to their deaths at Treblinka in August 1942. Janusz Korczak was the pen name of Henryk Goldszmit, a Polish Jewish doctor and author. Goldszmit first gained fame in the early 1900s writing storybooks for children and childcare books for adults. Born into a highly assimilated Polish Jewish family in Warsaw in the late 1870s, Goldszmit trained as a pediatrician. He developed groundbreaking views on raising children, urging adults to treat them with both love and respect. As his reputation as an author grew, Goldszmit became known throughout Poland as Janusz Korczak.