Hermann Erdlen
1893 - 1972
Hermann Erdlen (16/07/1893 - 30/06/1972), a German composer, writer and teacher. He had succes with his Passacaglia und Fuge für Orchester (1926). He wrote for theatre, radio and composed symphonical, orchestral works, chamber music and songs. His choral works with orchestra and a cappella were well-known at the time.
Deutsches Helden-Requiem
A Deutsches Helden-Requiem (1937) by Hermann Erdlen sets a Nazi theme in a text by A. Thieme. For mixed choir, alt-solo and orchestra.
Beginning in the late 19th century the focus of the requiem moved away from liturgical (i.e. spiritual) intercession toward oblique sociological symbolism. Most notable is the increased politicization of the requiem beginning in the twentieth century. Although Britten was the first to call his a ‘war’ requiem, others had already used the medium for political expression. Most extreme among these examples must be the Deutsches Helden-Requiem (German Hero’s Requiem) of 1937 by Hermann Erdlen (1893 -1972). Barely related to the original form of the requiem, Erdlen’s contribution to the genre is purest Nazional Sozialist (Nazi) propaganda.