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[ All | Male | Female ]
T (111)
NameBorn - DiedPlace of birthRequiems
pEmil Tabakov 1947 - Bulgaria1
Pierre Tabart 1645 - 1716France1
pGuido Tacchinardi1840 - 1917Italy2
Silio Taddei19th - centuryItaly1
Cesare Tadini19th/20th - centuryItaly1
Pedro de Tafalla1605 - 1660Spain12
pGino Tagliapietra1887 - 1954Italy1
pJosef Tal 1910 - 2008Germany / Poland / Israel1
M. Giuseppe Tamagnone19th - century (?)Italy (?)1
Pietro Antonio Tamburini 1589 - 1635Italy1
pJoose Tammelin1958 - Finland1
pDun Tan1957 - China | United States of America1
pNoriyasu Tanaka1952 - Japan1
pToshimitsu Tanaka1930 - 2020Japan1
Ferdinand Tangl19th - centuryCzech Republic1
pGeorges-Émile Tanguay1893 - 1964Canada 1
pDimiter Tapkov 1929 - 2011Bulgaria1
pMarco Taralli1967 - Italy0
pOliver Tarney1984 - Great Britain, England1
pSvend Erik Tarp 1908 - 1994Denmark1
pPierantonio Tasca 1858 - 1934Italy1
pGünther Tautenhahn1938 - 2014Lithuana / United States of America, CA1
Julius Tauwitz1826 - 1898Poland1
Manuel de Tavaresc.1585 - 1638Portugal1
pJohn Tavener1944 - 2013Great Britain, England6
Luigi Taverna19th/20th - centuryItaly1
pHawar Tawfiq1982 - The Netherlands | Iraq1
pKamil Tchalaev1962 - Russia1
pGiovanni Tebaldini1864 - 1952Italy2
pAlexander Tekeliev1942 - Bulgaria1
Marcus Teller1682 - 1728The Netherlands4
pRafael Tello Rojas1872 - 1946Mexico2
Giuseppe Terrabugio 1843 - 1933Italy2
pRichard Terry1865 - 1938Great Britain, England1
pEugenio Terziani1824 - 1889Italy1
pPietro Terziani 1765 - 1831Italy1
Raffaele Terziani 1860 - 1928Italy1
pAnton Teyber 1754 - 1822Austria1
pGeorge Thalben-Ball1896 - 1987Australia / Great Britain, England1
Johann Baptist Thaller 1872 - 1952Germany3
pMikis Theodorakis 1925 - 2021Greece2
pHĺkan Theorin 1959 - Sweden1
P. Theresiusfl. 1885 - 1918Germany1
pDelfino Thermignon 1861 - 1944Italy1
pGabriel Thibaudeau 1959 - Canada1
pPeter Thielen 1839 - 1908Germany2
pWillem van Thienen1859 - 1939The Netherlands1
pFerdinand Thieriot1838 - 1919Germany1
pAmbroise Thomas1811 - 1896France1
Rudolf Thomas 1924 - 1987Germany1
pRandall Thompson 1899 - 1984United States of America, NY1
pJoseph-Antonio Thompson1896 - 1974Canada1
Roy Thompsonfl.1920 - United States of America (?)1
pVirgil Thomson 1896 - 1989United States of America, MO1
pJón Thorarinsson1917 - 2012Iceland1
Alfred Tilman1848 - 1895Belgium1
pChristopher Tin1976 - United States of America | CA1
Agostino Tinazzoli c.1660 - 1723Italy1
pBoris Tishchenko1939 - 2010Russia1
pErnst Tittel1910 - 1969Austria / Czech Republic2
pLoris Tjeknavorian 1937 - Iran1
Matheo Tollis de la Roca c.1710 - 1781Spain / Mexico1
Joannes Tollius c.1550 - c.1620The Netherlands2
pVáclav Tomasek 1774 - 1850Czech Republic3
pHenri Tomasi1901 - 1971France1
pFernand de La Tombelle1854 - 1928France1
pVincenzo Tommasini1878 - 1950Italy1
Pietro Tonassi 1800 - 1877Italy2
pAugust Topman1882 - 1968Estonia1
pBengt von Torne1891 - 1967Finland | Sweden1
Francisco de la Torre c.1460 - c.1504Spain3
pTomás Torrejon y Velasco1644 - 1728Spain1
Domenico Torres17th-20th - centurySpain (?)2
Jesús Torres19th - century (?)Spain (?)3
José de Torres y Martinez Bravo 1670 - 1738Spain5
pRaymond Torres-Santos1958 - Puerto Rico1
Pietro Torric.1650 - 1737Italy1
Pietro Torrigiani 1812 - 1885Italy1
Diego de Torrijosc.1653 - 1691Spain3
pJaanus Torrim1975 - Estonia1
pVieri Tosatti 1920 - 1999Italy1
pLuigi Tosi1881 - 1957Italy4
pMatteo Tosi1884 - 1959Italy 6
pAntoine Toulmonde1902 - 1993Belgium1
pBramwell Tovey1953 - Great Britain1
Amédée Tremblay1876 - 1949Canada1
pMax Tremmel1902 - 1980Germany1
pWerner Trenkner 1902 - 1981Germany1
Ulrich Trinkler1879 - 1968Germany1
pGiacomo Tritto 1733 - 1824Italy6
pManfred Trojahn1949 - Germany1
pTadeusz Trojanowski 1958 - Poland1
pAurelio Tronchi 1897 - 1972Italy1
pWilhelm Troschel1823 - 1887Poland1
pBartolomeo Trosylho 1500 - 1567Portugal1
pMichael Trotta1978 - United States of America | NJ1
pBalz Trumpy 1946 - Switzerland1
pLukas Trykar 1972 - 2013Czech Republic1
pHristo Tsanoff 1947 - Bulgaria 2
Johann Georg Tschortschc.1681 - 1737Austria1
pSulkhan Tsintsadze 1925 - 1991Georgia1
pEduard Tubin 1905 - 1982Estonia1
Vincenc Tucek 1773 - 1821Czech Republic1
pDavid Tuckey1948 - Great Britain, England1
Cesare Tudino1530 - c.1591Italy 1
pFranz Tuma 1704 - 1774Czech Republic2
Antonio Turati 1608 - 1650Italy2
pMarco Tutino1954 - Italy1
pErkki-Sven Tuur1959 - Estonia1
pMerlijn Twaalfhoven1976 - The Netherlands1
pToby Twining1958 - United States of America, OK1