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Amilcare Zanella
1873 - 1949
A. Zanella
Amilcare Zanella (26/09/1873 - 09/01/1949), an Italian composer, from Monticelli d'Ongina.
Source:Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Contributor:Tassos Dimitriadis (picture)
Notable contributors to the 20th-century repertory are Bresgen, Duruflé, Guerrini, Karg-Elert, Ligeti, Lutoslawski, Maliszewski, Sutermeister, Thompson, Thomson, Zandonai and Zanella.
Author:James W. Pruett
Source:The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians
Zanella wrote operas, orchestral works, chamber music, a requiem, etc.
Source:The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians