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Willem Reijniers
1846 - 1908
The Netherlands
W.I. Reijniers with his
wife and 2 daughters
Willem Ingnatius [Willem] Reijniers (01/02/1846 - 16/02/1908), a Dutch conductor, organist and composer, Gennip (Limburg). He studied music with Pater van Dijk in Boxmeer. In 1868 he became teacher and organist at the Jesuit monastery in Katwijk, and in 1871 in Rolduc. Reijniers was founder of 'Liedertafel St. Caecilia', part of "Zouavenbroederschap" Fidei et Virtuti. He has been conductor of the choir for 30 years. He was also a composer: masses, a Te Deum, hymnes, organpieces, songs, cantata's, a mars and a Missa pro defunctis.
Missa pro defunctis in E flat
Musical form:mass
Text/libretto:Latin mass
This Missa pro defunctis is for soprano, alto and organ.