Ivan Zajc
1832 - 1914
Ivan Zajc [also: Ivan Zaytz, Giovanni (de/von) Zaytz] (03/08/1832 - 16/12/1914), an Croatian composer; born in Rijeka, Croatia, died in Zagreb, Croatia.
Requiem (2x)
Two unfinished Requiems.
Jelacic Requiem in B flat major
Jelacic Requiem in B flat major, Op.244 (1870), for tenor and bass soli, male choir, strings and organ.
Preradovic Requiem in A flat major
Preradovic Requiem in A flat major, Op.471 (1872) for mixed choir and orchestra. Op. 471a is the samen work, arranged for SSAATTBB, mixed choir and organ.
Novi Requiem
Novi Requiem, Op.947 (1901), for TTBB, male choir and string orchestra.