Helga Pogatschar
1966 -
Helga Pogatschar (28/01/1966), a female German composer, born in Munich. 1986-91: studies of piano at the Hochschule für Musik, Munich. 1992: Composing studies under Prof. P. Kiesewetter. 1994/95: Auditor at the Studio for Electroacoustic Compositions at the University for Music and Theatre, Göteborg, Schweden. 1998-2000: studies of composition for film and television at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Munich. 1997: scholarship at the Hochschule für Musik, Munich. Grand Prix for KUR, Dream Science '97 Computer Graphics Grand Prix in STEC, Tokyo. 2000:
Scholarship by the Capital of Munich. Since 1998: Member of the Artistic Advisory Council at the ADevantgarde München. 1995 -2000: Gives lectures on Electronic Sound Creation at the Hochschule für Musik, Munich. 2000-2003: teaching composition und sounddesign at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg.
Mars requiem
Helga Pogatschar's Mars requiem is a modern, aggressive lullaby of death, a crossover under the sign of the cross, fifty years after the end of war. The Mars requiem does not want to just remember of the dead, but to ask, why they had to die. - Mars is a "Dies Irae" of electronic soundscapes, composed by a "bad girl" who opposes against male music tradition. Technoid Industrial-soundwalls meet the world of Carl Orff. Unique, evoking and disturbing! "The multimedial work shifts between modern classic, Renaissance and Industrial." (according to Abendzeitung)
The Mars requiem was commissioned by Carl D. Erling / Chrom Records. Duration: 65'34'' Tracks: 01. Mars 3:30 02. Introitus 5:31 03. Kyrie 6:04 04. Graduale 5:39 05. Tractus 6:13 06. Sequentia 6:15 07. Offertorium 8:08 08. Sanctus 7:40 09. Agnus Dei 7:07 10. Communio 6:32 11. Qohelet 2:56