In March 20th died coincidently the portuguese queen, Dona Maria the first, and Vitória Maria, José Mauricio Nunes Garcia's mother. The queen's death, in the Convent of Carmo, turned the city into mourn. The funeral carriage passed through many streets to the burial in the Convent of Ajuda. The people followed the carriage in silence. Her funeral was celebrated solemnly in the Royal Chapel, with a
Requiem mass and an
Officium for the dead composed and conducted by
Marcos Portugal.
It is not known where Nunes Garcia's mother Vitória Maria was buried. But the sorrow of her son would be revealed in his
Missa de requiem - Requiem mass and in the
Ofício dos defuntos - Officium for the dead, requested by the Ordem Terceira do Carmo to their funeral mass in the memory of the queen. These are regarded today as his two masterpieces.